Category: Procedure complaints

  • A complaints process for BrisLETs

    A complaints process for BrisLETs

    A complaints process for BrisLETs On our website we acknowledge the need for a complaint/mediation policy and announce our intention to attend to this as resources become available Well, it’s a good day to start, I’m not sure of a process but here are some resources

  • What are policies and procedures?

    What are policies and procedures?

    Policies are a set of agreed guidelines about what and why our organisation does what it doesProcedures are about how to do these things. They need to be documented and published and they are usually open to change as circumstance change Writing policies and procedures usually takes some particular skills and all stakeholders should be…

  • Q: Is it OK to record private converstaion in Queensland

    Q: Is it OK to record private converstaion in Queensland

    A: Yes, for personal useThere is no requirement to inform others or ask permission However, we need to be careful about who we share these recordings with

  • As a legal association we need to have a dispute resolution process

    As a legal association we need to have a dispute resolution process

    To strengthen your association’s ability to manage disputes, we recommend that you: appoint a member to be in charge of receiving and dealing with complaintsset up a system to record, track and monitor complaintskeep a record of any complaint that goes to mediation or court. You should also consider adopting a grievance procedure. If you…

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