Category: ass consult

  • a members area on the website?

    a members area on the website?

    FB is giving us trouble What do we really need? I like the idea that conversations are available and searchable so we can look back to years ago and not reinvent the wheels I think that people might choose to do private gossip in private spaces but that’s their business I think that the members’…

  • Roaming Admin.

    Roaming Admin.

    I can: I have done quite a bit of that over the years.I did admin work for BrisLETs last year and for Noosa LETS when there was no one locally. so I have a keyboard, and some IT skills and I have retired from a long career in management and social service. You can pay…

  • A complaints process

    A complaints process

    A complaints process for BrisLETs On our website we acknowledge the need for a complaint/mediation policy and announce our intention to attend to this as resources become available Well, it’s a good day to start, I’m not sure of a process but here are some resources

  • Bartering and trade exchanges | Australian Taxation Office

    Business transactions involving bartering or trade exchanges are subject to the same income tax and GST treatment as normal cash or credit transactions. Source: Bartering and trade exchanges | Australian Taxation Office

  • Advocacy


    Often people find it hard to have their rights and opinions respected. It is sometimes useful to have a person, like me, with the right skills and knowledge to support you. Sometimes you just need to be pointed in the right direction, and sometimes it’s good to have someone walk with you. This person is…

  • Do you need an anonymous website

    Do you need an anonymous website

  • document archive

    document archive

    Archiving documents needs to be quick, simple and easy because not everyone who manages BrisLETS website has a lot of Wordpress skills

  • Install analytics

    Install analytics
  • Gmail is blocking our mail

    Gmail is blocking our mail

    Gmail don’t care, we are working on it

  • …on administrating and moderating FB groups for BrisLETS

    …on administrating and moderating FB groups for BrisLETS

    1) We have to make it a safe environment so there should be NO personal attacks. Complaints are another issue but a complaint requires more than just attacking someone in our public forums 2) Admin can’t just delete post and comments that irritate or distress them, these are official records 3) Records need to maintained,…

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