Category: MY OFFERS
Yoast for Search Engine Optimisation
We can build our site to suit the Search Engines (and the people)
Install analytics
Google Analytics shows us, with some precision where we are. Attempting drive a car without a window would be futile and attempting to drive a website without some kind of analytics, is equally so.
I can make OK photos better
with the help of my friends in the AI department
What happened to FAVABANK?
Sharing Economy startup “Favabank” gives the British a smarter way to barter, using favours. Favabank ended andI used some of their material as a model in a video I made Source: Sharing Economy Startup Favabank: marketing concept
Putting it up on youtube
YouTube Video Size: The Perfect Resolution, Dimensions & Aspect Ratio +Thumbnail Tips Source: YouTube Video Size: The Perfect Resolution, Dimensions & Aspect Ratio +Thumbnail Tips Material on Youtube becomes available for a long time and can be gathered under brand name.The requirements are not complicated Content Banner profile picture or logo thumbnails are set up…