Category: P & P MANUAL
A complaints process
A complaints process for BrisLETs On our website we acknowledge the need for a complaint/mediation policy and announce our intention to attend to this as resources become available Well, it’s a good day to start, I’m not sure of a process but here are some resources
Dispute resolution
All incorporated associations are required to have a grievance process by 22 June 2022 If they don’t (and we don’t) then they would need to follow the processes set out in the model rules provided by the Office of Fair Trading Complaints must be documented and if they are not resolved within the specified time…
everyone wants a return to community
BUT We seem to have forgotten the social skills that made community work Like “being polite”
First outline – can you help?
Index Table of Contents License 1 Authorship 1 Index 2 Introduction 2 This Document 2 The CES 2 The BrisLETS Management Committee 2 Managing the BrisLETS Community Exchange System (QLD) 2 Managing our Website 3 Access; Admins. Editors 3 Making Posts and assigning categories 3 Publishing the Newsletter 3 Backups 3 Getting Help 3 Newsletters…
Management Support Team
I find it interesting, the old MC delegated a lot of authority to the Management Support Team. The management support team are the workers We have 4 voting committee positions and 7 management support team roles I actually think this is a very good idea, the people who do the work make the decisions about…
…on administrating and moderating FB groups for BrisLETS
1) We have to make it a safe environment so there should be NO personal attacks. Complaints are another issue but a complaint requires more than just attacking someone in our public forums 2) Admin can’t just delete post and comments that irritate or distress them, these are official records 3) Records need to maintained,…
A complaints process for BrisLETs
A complaints process for BrisLETs On our website we acknowledge the need for a complaint/mediation policy and announce our intention to attend to this as resources become available Well, it’s a good day to start, I’m not sure of a process but here are some resources