A manual

Topics we are working on

  • A complaints process

    A complaints process

    A complaints process for BrisLETs On our website we acknowledge the need for a complaint/mediation policy and announce our intention to attend to this as resources become available Well, it’s a good day to start, I’m not sure of a process but here are some resources

  • A complaints process for BrisLETs

    A complaints process for BrisLETs

    A complaints process for BrisLETs On our website we acknowledge the need for a complaint/mediation policy and announce our intention to attend to this as resources become available Well, it’s a good day to start, I’m not sure of a process but here are some resources

  • our official and latest T&C

    our official and latest T&C

    – a lot of decision-making is delegated to the “management support team” i.e the people who do the actual work – that several of the proposition has proven to be impractical, like returning account balances to zero when people leave – “administrative fees” have never worked, we end up billing inactive accounts – clause 18,…

  • What are policies and procedures?

    What are policies and procedures?

    Policies are a set of agreed guidelines about what and why our organisation does what it doesProcedures are about how to do these things. They need to be documented and published and they are usually open to change as circumstance change Writing policies and procedures usually takes some particular skills and all stakeholders should be…

  • I admired the process that Kelly Watts used to get agreement from the committee to spend association funds

    I admired the process that Kelly Watts used to get agreement from the committee to spend association funds

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1180878222106353/posts/2078167052377461/ 28 Resolutions of management committee without meeting (1) A written resolution signed by each member of the management committee is as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a committee meeting that was properly called and held. (2) A resolution mentioned in sub-rule (1) may consist of several documents in like…

  • How should we manage passwords ?

    How should we manage passwords ?

    I think -roy- next step This needs be documented as a procedure put into actionandIn a timely manner, procedures should be approved by the MC and published as part of the association’s documentation (updated oct 31)(updated jan 29)

  • keeping records on forums

    keeping records on forums

    I’m not a lawyer but it appears to me that these forums are official records of the proceedings of a legally incorporated association. and that falsifying records made in this place, like deleting someone’s comments would be naughty. So how should admins moderate comments that are abusive or attack other people? 1) if a group…

  • Q: Is it OK to record private converstaion in Queensland

    Q: Is it OK to record private converstaion in Queensland

    A: Yes, for personal useThere is no requirement to inform others or ask permission However, we need to be careful about who we share these recordings with https://www.gnl.com.au/articles/2021/march/recording-conversations/

  • what do we do now?

    what do we do now?

    I read Kelly’s editorial and trading day agenda item with interest, I agree wholeheartedly I would like to contribute my viewpoint. Kelly says “We want to get some feedback from you all about the Admin Account going into the Red for an infinite number of units as we voted for no levies on buys and…

  • Digital Signatures are pretty easy

    Digital Signatures are pretty easy

    At base, we can just use a scanned handwritten signature, like this.

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