Category: MY OFFERS

  • How should we manage passwords ?

    How should we manage passwords ?

    I think -roy- next step This needs be documented as a procedure put into actionandIn a timely manner, procedures should be approved by the MC and published as part of the association’s documentation (updated oct 31)(updated jan 29)

  • keeping records on forums

    keeping records on forums

    I’m not a lawyer but it appears to me that these forums are official records of the proceedings of a legally incorporated association. and that falsifying records made in this place, like deleting someone’s comments would be naughty. So how should admins moderate comments that are abusive or attack other people? 1) if a group…

  • Digital Signatures are pretty easy

    Digital Signatures are pretty easy

    At base, we can just use a scanned handwritten signature, like this.

  • We need a members-only area?

    We need a members-only area?

    Learn how to set up a membership area on your website using built-in features of WordPress in this nifty step-by-step tutorial! Let’s say that you (or your client) want to set up a membership area on a WordPress site with little to no money to spend on web development (sounds familiar?) Whenever I hear someone mention that…

  • update your PHP today

    Your WordPress site can be faster, and more secure, and you can make this happen! This page will explain why this matters to you, and then how you can fix it. Why PHP Matters To You PHP is the codi… Source: Get a faster, more secure website: update your PHP today – Forums

  • How to work together in small groups of volunteers ?

    How to work together in small groups of volunteers ?

    I am thinking today about how to work together in small groups of volunteers Specifically in the emerging BrisLETS MC The first point for me is that we are volunteers so “directives” “orders” and coercion are a shallow bluff. If we want someone’s cooperation we need to invite it. It’s much “easier” when you hold…

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