• FB has me by the throat

    They and their AI’s control my voice with relentless precision (I think) I can’t “know” because their control is opaque – I do know that light and fluffy posts get a good response = I do know that suddenly I am “recommendable” and “eligible to monetise” and that they won’t recommend certain topics such…

  • FB claims to Remove, Reduce, Inform

    I am a little less than totally impressed I am a little less than totally impressed -roy- Source: Remove, Reduce, Inform: New Steps to Manage Problematic Content | Meta An update on our ongoing work to keep people safe and maintain the integrity of information that flows through our apps. ——————————————————————— (COPY TAKEN) By Guy…

  • Breadcrumb Plugin for WordPress – PickPlugins

    Breadcrumb Plugin for WordPress – PickPlugins

    Plugin for Breadcrumb navigation

  • The Digital Garden

    The Digital Garden

    A newly revived philosophy for organising and publishing personal knowledge on the web

  • Yoast for Search Engine Optimisation

    Yoast for Search Engine Optimisation

    We can build our site to suit the Search Engines (and the people)

  • Install analytics

    Install analytics

    Google Analytics shows us, with some precision where we are. Attempting drive a car without a window would be futile and attempting to drive a website without some kind of analytics, is equally so.

  • FB in Africa

    FB in Africa

    Africa is making much use of Mutual Credit systemsthere is a lot we could learn

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