Category: escape FB
FB mirror blog
FB drops conversation to the bottom to never be seen again but FB has the people the idea would be to have a FB blog and mirror to FB double linked butnever trust FB, the blog needs to be autonomous up to an concluding copies (automatically) stored locally Can I mirror FB posts on this…
Cross posting blog posts to FB and other socials
FB have numbers and i have the content.There are going to be problems There are plugins Post Automatically to Social Media There are RSS Feeds There are wordpress plugins but really I don’t mind doing it manually Neil Turner discusses it @royhanfling
FB has me by the throat
They and their AI’s control my voice with relentless precision (I think) I can’t “know” because their control is opaque – I do know that light and fluffy posts get a good response = I do know that suddenly I am “recommendable” and “eligible to monetise” and that they won’t recommend certain topics such…
FB claims to Remove, Reduce, Inform
I am a little less than totally impressed I am a little less than totally impressed -roy- Source: Remove, Reduce, Inform: New Steps to Manage Problematic Content | Meta An update on our ongoing work to keep people safe and maintain the integrity of information that flows through our apps. ——————————————————————— (COPY TAKEN) By Guy…
FB in Africa
Africa is making much use of Mutual Credit systemsthere is a lot we could learn