Category: BrisLETS
Am I responsible for defamation on my FB group
The High Court of Australia has upheld that a publisher (you) may be liable for defamatory comments made under their social media posts.
Our best teachers
Our best teachers are the ones who try and stop us They help us discover new skills, new strategies and new ways
Is it only, me?
when I am stressed I find other people very irritating maybe it is me? I remember when I gave up smoking, everyone attacked me, bastards, why would they do that? The next time I gave up smoking I didn’t tell anyone I had given up smoking and they still attacked me whoops
everyone wants a return to community
BUT We seem to have forgotten the social skills that made community work Like “being polite”
First outline – can you help?
Index Table of Contents License 1 Authorship 1 Index 2 Introduction 2 This Document 2 The CES 2 The BrisLETS Management Committee 2 Managing the BrisLETS Community Exchange System (QLD) 2 Managing our Website 3 Access; Admins. Editors 3 Making Posts and assigning categories 3 Publishing the Newsletter 3 Backups 3 Getting Help 3 Newsletters…
The thug in the doorway
There is a kind of bullying, where someone will find a critical doorway and stand there, refusing to move. Hilarious unless we have a job to do 🙂 The trouble for them is, it’s too easy to overplay that hand and discover that people have found another path and are just going around them. not…
Management Support Team
I find it interesting, the old MC delegated a lot of authority to the Management Support Team. The management support team are the workers We have 4 voting committee positions and 7 management support team roles I actually think this is a very good idea, the people who do the work make the decisions about…