Category: Commons

  • One Small Town

    One Small Town

    Michael Tellinger, (the Founder of the Ubuntu Liberation Movement) and Ambassadors from around the world are turning Small Towns into places of Prosperity & Abundance

  • Doughnut Economics

    Doughnut Economics

    Doughnut economics, is a visual framework for sustainable development – shaped like a doughnut or lifebelt – combining the concept of planetary boundaries with the complementary concept of social boundaries.[1] The name derives from the shape of the diagram, i.e. a disc with a hole in the middle. The centre hole of the model depicts…

  • Squatting


    A celebration and documentation of Australians putting abandoned and disused property to good use.

  • Right to Roam

    Ours is a wild and a beautiful island. But the vast majority of it is unknown to us because, by law of trespass, we are banned from setting foot on it. We are excluded from hundreds of thousands of acres of open space – of woodland, meadows, rivers and their banks – simply because ancient…

  • Private Sufficiency, Public Luxury

    How is it possible to own land? I find it remarkable that this basic question is so seldom asked. The current pattern of ownership and control of land lies at the heart of many of our biggest dysfunctions: the collapse of wildlife and ecosystems, the exclusion and marginalization of so many people, the lack of…

  • Commons Transition Primer

    “We use the phrase Commons Transition to describe a series of ongoing actions that reflect the needs and creative input of civil society. What are the components of such a transition, and how do they turn into concrete actions?” -Commons Transition Primer-

  • Think Global, Print Local and licensing for the Commons – Stacco Troncoso

    The Peer Production License (PPL) allows cooperatives and solidarity-based collectives, but not corporations, to monetize cultural works. Source: Think Global, Print Local and licensing for the Commons – Stacco Troncoso

  • The Atmosphere as a Global Commons

    The Atmosphere as a Global Commons

    The Wealth of the Commons a world beyond market & state Source: The Atmosphere as a Global Commons | The Wealth of the Commons

  • Why The ‘Commons’ May Be The Future Of The Food System

    Professor Jose Luis Vivero-Pol articulates the need for a new kind of food system, one that prioritizes shared resources, collective knowledge and the right to food. includes chapters from “Handbook of Food as Commons”

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